Thursday, July 9, 2015

. Implentation Learning Model Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) To Increasing Motivation and Learning Outcomes

The result of observation that conducted on the students X Class in the subject strategy market train of SMK PGRI 6 Malang become of the background of this research. Based on the result of the observation, there was 20 students of X market class only 20% students active in the proses of teaching and learning. The teacher of subject strategy market train also teach on SMK NEGERI 1 MALANG make the teacher didn’t came in the class. This condition make many of the students often absent and didn’t active in class. The purpose of this research to increasing motivation and students learning outcomes which used learning model Team Assisted Individualization which more enhanced students learning in group and teaching each other about the material didn’t understand in the group of heterogenic. The teacher just as the facilitator that facilitate group.
This research use qualitative approach with the type of Class Action Research (CAR). This research was conducted in II Cycle, every cycle consist of II meeting and VI steps, that are; planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The location of this research on SMK PGRI 6 Malang at Jalan Janti Selatan No. 1 Bandungrejo, Sukun, Malang. The subject was student X market class of SMK PGRI 6 Malang consists of 20 students, even semester academic year of 2015/216. The instrument of this research use teacher observation students in the implementation of TAI model, motivation questionnaire, pre-test and post-test, documentation. Analysis data technique use data reduction from the data teacher and student observation, the presentation of data from data reduction and taking conclusion. Analysis of learning outcomes taken from pre-test and post-test with the purpose to determine student classical absorption. While to measure student motivation by using questionnaire, it can be known success if the result has reached indicator of success with the score of motivation more than 3, 5.
The result of research shown that; (1) Implementation Team Assisted Individualization model can increasing student motivation. Can be proven from the result of calculating of questionnaire that filled by students in every end of cycle. The result about 3, 68 with the category good in the cycle I. Increasing become 3, 83 in the cycle II with the category good. (2) Learning outcomes aspect before implementing Team Assisted Individualization average result value 23, 37 with the classical completeness 0%. After implementing become 74, 42 with the classical completeness about 63, 157% in the cycle I. Pre-test in cycle II shown that average result score of class about 67, 77. After implementing the result of post-test in cycle II shown that an increase average result score about 80 with the classical completeness 82, 215%.
Based on the result of this research, researcher suggestion, (1) For teacher, learning model of Team Assisted Individualization can be used as the alternative of learning model. Giving reward engagement and explanation about learning model to make student interesting in the process of teaching and learning. (2) For students, more seriously in the process of teaching and learning, didn’t leave while teaching and learning process, having book reference, and when entering the class already have background of knowledge. (3) For other researchers, more creative and innovative, understanding the steps in implementing Team Assisted Individualization model in the right way, and giving handout to the students before implementing Team Assisted Individualization model.

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